Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Thank you Flexall.

I smell like I bathed in Vicks Vapo-Rub, but dude, you got the job done.

I think if it wasn’t for you and aspirin, I would be unable to stand. I just hope your powers don’t wear off soon, because you’re safely at home in my cabinet.
Do you remember how happy I was to see you this morning when I got back from my run? God, my legs were screaming and I was in absolute misery. You fixed all that. I just hope our relationship isn’t a long term one, because eventually your magical powers might wear off. I guess I’ll just have to keep running and hope that as I get my time under my belt, it will hurt a little less.

For now, sufficed to say, “I love you!”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pity you as long as you tell me you stretched for about 30 minutes, long deep stretches. And that you did a cool down to get your heart rate back down. Usually a 10 min. slow walk will do the job. I tell you what to do, but I don't know if you listen. So, did you do any of that?

The best thing to do is get back on the horse. Go out tomorrow, maybe not as hard, but you will feel better. Then go the next. Dont let the pain hold you down. It is just lactic acid build up. Get that stuff out. Ice down tonight. What is the point? I doubt you will take my professional advice.

You know who this is.

6:57 PM  

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