Saturday, January 08, 2005

Note to self
A) Don't write dark poems and
B) Don't write a tongue-in-cheek entry about woman when almost all your blog readers are women and a good number of your friends are.

For the record, this was not a blog aimed at anyone who might read this. It was more just a joke on my part, because I think nice guys get the less attractive end of the stick all too often. I can think of at least two more people that will read this and take offense.

Nor was this some cloaked way to give anyone the blow off. If I have issue with you, I'll let you know. Seriously, and especially, if you know me in the real world, you know I am full of it. I'm not going to Hooters, nor will I start caring about football and most of all, I don't think women are crazy nor do I believe we can not be friends.

Sometimes you write in a moment of frustration about a passing feeling. That’s the beauty of a blog, because 5 minutes later you can look back on it and say "gosh, I don't feel that way anymore." I mean seriously, women change their mind before they finish a sentence.

Just one more shot at pissing you all off : )
I was completely joking with that last statement. Go get mad at Eminem or "The Man Show." They deserve your scorn far more than I do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you're hilarious. Write whatever the F*** you want. We are crazy-- and so are you all. Who cares? I so do not get people who take vague blog entries seriously. You don't seem to be the passive-aggressive type. I would think if you didn't want to play with your friends anymore you'd just stop playing-- not write about it and hope they got the point. But the same thing happened to me recently- so apparently we do need to watch ourselves--- or have less emotional friends... write about that! Drama!!!


11:45 AM  

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