Sunday, January 02, 2005

So I just finished “Amelie” again. If you want to make fun of me for loving that movie then go right ahead. I’ll wait. Ok, it falls squarely in the love story genre and definitely is a “chic flick”, but I love it. It makes me feel a little less alone getting through the world as a super sensitive INFP and a Pisces. I’m thinking whomever wrote that screenplay was of one or both of these persuasions.

I have debated lately if I should close down shop on this blog with the new year. On one hand baring your soul is great, because you have a certain level of anonymity on this thing, BUT you’ll never be fully anonymous and whenever I venture into the realm of poetry I get concerned emails and phone calls from people who know me in the real world and know my blog.

I’m well adjusted. I have a dark and lonely side, but if that was enough to send me to do something rash, I would have never survived high school. So take a deep breath and sleep well in the knowledge that I love life far too much to ever walk away from it. I might disappear from this online journal or drop everything and move to Canada. Heck, I might even become a monk. I’m not going to hurt myself or anyone else. I wonder if Edgar Allen Poe and Trent Reznor get such scrutiny when they write something “dark.”

I challenge and defy my natural inclination to hide away from the world, but I’ve gotten too much out of writing this blog for my own sake and sanity. So it is going nowhere. In my tentative attempts at understanding the world, I’ve learned I’m a little less alone than I once thought. While love, fulfillment and a few other buzz words still exist just out of reach, I have a sense of peace knowing that my story is both wholly unique and completely commonplace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not know you "in the real world", but just to clarify: I didn't think you were going to off yourself. I just thought you were sad, which is enough reason for concern.

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... case you missed it, the previous comment was made my yours truly.


9:17 AM  

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