Tuesday, December 28, 2004

A wave of mutilation.

I’ve been trying to avoid all related stories to this tidal wave incident in Asia. I’m not a heartless or desensitized and unfeeling person. In fact, I’m quite the opposite and the more I hear about it, the more helpless and useless I’ll feel. So I would rather not know. I think unless you are willing to hop a boat and go to some disaster stricken place to pass out soup and tend to the sick, then you really shouldn’t make a hobby out of following these stories. If you aren’t willing to help, then it is just morbid curiosity.

Anyone see any good movies? Everything I’ve seen lately has sucked…a lot. “Oceans 12” and “The Life Aquatic” had way too many talented people behind their film to be as bad as they were. Watching “Spainglish” was about as comfortable as watching your grandparents get it on. I almost got up and left. That has only happened twice. The first time was “Loaded Weapon” and the second was “Carlitto’s Way.” The only thing I hate worse than those two films is the Eagles and macaroni and cheese and I hate both of those real good.

Sorry if I have not made any brilliant Christmas observations. I have been simultaneously depressed and busy. This is the one time of the year I feel pulled in 20 directions. That isn’t a good feeling. Some people might like feeling wanted or needed, but when I have family and friends all wanting to spend time with me I feel like I’m going to end up letting people I care about down. The holidays have this magic gift of making you feel really overloaded and really alone. I guess it is the holiday equivalent of sitting in Union Street Station on a busy afternoon and feeling like the only person on earth.


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