Thursday, December 16, 2004

It is funny how we all have our little quirks. Usually, admit it or not, we think we are better than other people. I’ll admit quitting smoking makes me feel like I’ve done something a lot of folks can not. I’ll also admit I still want a cigarette.

I don’t drink or do drugs. I think they’re both wastes of time. Sometimes I might look down on people a little bit who do these things. Why? Who knows? I try not to watch too much TV or eat bad food. Sometimes, I do both and maybe, just maybe to excess. Who is to say I’m better or worse than anyone else?

Extreme people get under my skin sometimes. I don’t like the radical fundamentalist that feels that anyone who doesn’t believe exactly what they say is going to hell. Equally as guilty are the people who don’t want others to believe in anything. I affectionately call these people the evangelizing atheist. This time of year brings them out of the wood work.

I can sort of see your plight. I’m sick of hearing Christmas music and I’m tired of Christmas this and Christmas that. I think the commercialism gets under my skin more than anything. Why hasn’t Hanukah or Ramadan become commercialized? I’d like to see Pizza Hut have an after-dusk Ramadan feast. Maybe Wal-Mart can have 8 day sales on dreidels and menorahs. Why oh why must Christmas get the center stage every year?

So I feel your pain. Just hold on 9 more days and this country will go back to the God-less wasteland is always is. We could all focus on the commercial aspect of Christmas, or we could take a look at some of the positives. Every year I hear a song that reminds me of some happy childhood time or I’ll see Frosty’s special on TV and remember I once cried for hours when he melted. Like it or not, we all have some good memories about this holiday. Sure some of the magic is lost on those of us in the “in-between” stage.

If you aren’t a kid and you don’t have any kids, then Christmas can get a little annoying. Its true and I can relate. Just remember that this holiday that is now about credit card bills and crowded stores was once something magical. We once believed a benevolent jolly fat man came by and with amazing accuracy gave us what we asked for. I remember growing up were Christmas was the only time other than weddings and funerals when the whole family got together. Just remember that Christmas may have stopped being fun when you learned Santa isn’t real, but that first morning your children get so excited they wake up at 5 AM, you’re going to be wearing a groggy smile.


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