Saturday, January 08, 2005

I think “Fight Club” really explained insomnia well. The funny thing is that, as Newton said, there is an equal and opposite effect for every acton. OK, I wrote that backwards, but how cares? You’re just being picky. So what I was saying is that once an insomniac gets some sleep, the results can be frightening. I’ve been zoned out most of the week in the haze between complete exhaustion and that survival instinct of being so tired you are wired. I’ve commuted home a couple of times and thought “how did I get here?” So last night, I decided I had enough and popped two benadryl at 6:30. Never mind I wasn’t congested. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I kept thinking this must be how Elvis started. Uppers in the morning (Coffee) and downers at night (Benadryl). Well I was out like McGreevey by 8 P.M.

I woke up today feeling like I did two lines of coke (editor’s note, the author is only guessing here since he has the drug habits of an Amish minister). So I woke up wired, but with a little regret. The first Friday of the month is when my little burb does the one thing that brings its liberal deviant subculture brimming to the surface. That is the monthly “Art Walk.” Sure it is mostly yuppies out looking soulfully at abstract pieces of art and sometimes they might even dish out a few hundred dollars for a piece. For the most part, it is the one opportunity each month for those of us who don’t (heart) Bush to come to the surface and look around. It is probably how the dead feel on Halloween night when they can blend in or maybe how those sewer guerrillas felt after they were let go when production ended on the final CHUD film.

One of the main reasons I was hoping to get out last night was to show some support to a couple of locals who are being charged with ‘vandalism”. The story is here . I have heard a lot about the case from other locals and apparently the kids confessed, at best, to using a marker to write some poem. If you read the news coverage, these two have been painting everything in the city. In addition, I heard that the police stopped a rape investigation to pursue this. Seriously, WTF? If you don’t live here, you probably don’t understand the climate here in our little town. It is the south and everyone loves BUSH. Most of the graffiti I have seen around is anti-Bush. I’m not advocating graffiti use, but I could see how two kids barely out of high school would see vandalism as the only platform to express their outrage. Yes, if they did do this, it is a crime, but seriously, keep it in context. Solve some rape cases FIRST. It seems once again the good old boy network has spoken. We live in a very redneck and very touristy town and getting political slogans off out streets surely must be priority number one.

On a lighter not, have you ever met somebody you wanted to take under your wing? I saw our weekend computer guy this morning and realized he is the spitting image of Tobey McGuire. The problem is the guy is exactly how you would expect a person who looks like Tobey McGuire to act. He’s quite, shy and seems uncomfortable in his own skin. I want to shake him and say “dude, get an attitude. Do you not know what you have?” I have yet to meet a woman who does not find Tobey McGuire very attractive. I think, secretly, women have these fantasies about nerdy guys. Just ask Steve from “Blue’s Clues.” Some people just don’t realize what they have. The few celebrities I have been compared to (Matthew Perry, Jimmy Kimmel, John Belushi, and Jack Black) hardly qualify as sex symbols.


Blogger spaceface01 said...

Just so you know...Jack Black AND Matthew Perry are hot...and the reason??? HUMOR.

8:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

spaceface is super-intellegent and totally right.

11:47 AM  

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