Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Sometimes you just have to admit the well has run dry. Some days I have a lot to say and others, I just don’t feel motivated. It really hurt to run today. I hate to say I had to stop, but I figure if the pain gets through Aleve and Flexall it is bad enough to warrant a break. I may move my operation to the treadmill. It is lower impact, but also is not the same as hitting the street. Maybe I should lose weight before I go full force into running. The only way to effectively lose weight, as far as I can tell, is a three part strategy

A) No sugar
B) Lots of smoking
C) Lots of coffee.

Not healthy by any means, but I’ve tried a laundry list of dietary regimes and these three are the one tricks that have ever managed my weight. The problem is I feel healthy now. I’m just also overweight enough to really hurt myself when I try something crazy like running. I have more the body of a gopher than a gazelle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gophers are amazing little creatures. THey also are BLOG MASTERS (a very unreported fact).

And Jonathan, I am going to be worried when I have to go to your intervention to get you off aleve and flexall. I think it is becoming a problem. Can't you have a good vice, like heroin, that wont make people laugh at you or eyes water when you walk into a room?

Pretty soon you are going to be buying black market flexall, sitting in a cardboard box rubbing it all over your body while wearing a antigov't radar a certain one of our friends that "may have his phone tapped" gave you because the gov't is onto your addiction. WOW! Long sentence. I am blabbering now.

Be careful.

Cygnus buccinator

7:32 AM  

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