Friday, January 28, 2005

Operation enduring apathy is in full swing. I made a point to take note as too how often we here about Iraq these days. I was sitting in my office at one point and realized I had overheard the same news report on my office neighbor’s radio without even taking notice. It mentioned soldiers died today. There was a time not too long ago when I use to get outraged about all the death in Iraq. Instead, my response was to research the selective service and see what my chances are of getting drafted. Apparently the cut off is 26 and I’ll be 29 in a few weeks. Not that I wouldn’t take off to Australia and live in my Mum and step dad’s spare bedroom if I were to be drafted. In fact, I called her last night and accidentally dialed the wrong number. So I decided I would see if I could pull off not sounding remotely American. Apparently, I was spot on, since this unsuspecting lady thought she was on the line with a local who misdialed and not some Yank. So I know I could possibly pull off a defection. “Oh yes, this is our son. He has been at university in Sydney for the past two years.” A close shave and a Franz Ferdinand tee and I’ll blend right in.

I think I may suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder. If that is the case, it is good I live in Florida. I’ve just always been drawn to places like Seattle and Scotland. So if I can not cut it in the dead of winter here in Florida, then I’m screwed. This week has been an emotional roller coaster. Perhaps we do cycle with women or maybe the fact they are all irritable at the same time rubs off on us, but I am not going there since most of my readers are of that persuasion.

So here is my blog entry. Lackluster! I don’t fake happiness well. Blame it on my Piscean nature. Exercise is a good antidote to the winter blues. So I’ll just keep running and hope for the best. In the meantime sorry if I am a bit of a tool. In March I go back to having only two grad school courses left, my 5k run will be over, I will begin my last year of my 20s and the sun comes back out. So then I will write of puppy dogs and ice cream. Right now, I’m fighting the natural inclination to catch some salmon and retire to my cave for a few months.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Perhaps we do cycle with women or maybe the fact they are all irritable at the same time rubs off on us, but I am not going there since most of my readers are of that persuasion."

Yeah, you need to realize most of your readers are of that persuasion, probably becuase you are living proof that guys out there actually have feelings. But, as to blaming women for "cycling" maybe it is just you that is being overly emotional. Maybe it isnt us, maybe it is, but the fact that every single one of your female friends are bitchy at the same time is less believable than accepting a little of the blame and saying maybe it is just you that is being "irritable".

Now, Jonathan, I had nothing mean to say about you, and to me, with the talk of dirty sanchez and your slang of the day, you have been quite pleasant, but a feminist has to do what a feminist has to do.

Power to the Vaginas!

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vagina power woman has a point.

... I believe you all do have your cycles and it doesn't necessarily have to do with women's. I associate almost exclusively with men now and I can tell you those boys PMS worse than me. They have their ovulation point too... don't know where it comes from but a few weeks before they get bitchy, they get lovey and protective. Accept it dear and don't blame us. Biology's a bitch.

I wish someone would call me Vagina Power Woman. That'd be an awesome superhero.


10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the record I am very pro-vagina.

the management

3:17 PM  

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