Saturday, November 20, 2004

So I am at work today. What a way to spend Saturday. The funny thing is I am the only “old timer” here. Everyone else is new. Our new security guard is Indian (red dot not feather)* and his cell phone ring sounds like “Brim Fulla Asha.” It got me thinking that that song has become the anthem for all things Indian. Every movie that has Indian people in it that wasn’t made in Bollywood has that song it its previews. The real beauty of it is A) most people have no clue what it is about and B) it is incredible easy to play. If memory serves its complex note system is something like CCCCCC GG.

Which one of you tipped off PETA? I’ve been trying to cut back on carbs so I will not loose my ill fated weight loss bet with my cousin. I have until new years to loose more weight than him and something tells me Mrs. Cousin has him on the treadmill for 2 hours every morning. I may fly to Connecticut one weekend, take a look at him and then come home. It could be done. I’m checking priceline.

Anyway, watching carbs means you really end up eating a lot of meat. Somehow, although I haven’t practiced the dark art of vegetarianism** in two years, PETA tracked me down and saw fit to send me a DVD that has roughly an hour of slaughterhouse footage. It truly is disgusting. So I’m back to the social conscious question. I seem to be the only person in the world who gets fatter as a vegetarian. I also feel like I’ve been hot by a truck, get bad migraines and the only time I ever get acne is when I go veg. I wouldn’t make this up. So my heart tells me I should give up meat, but my brain says that lifestyle wasn’t good for me. What to do. I know both sides of the fence read this blog, so leave a brother some feedback.

*Blame Jay-Z for that un-PC verbiage.
** I think vegetarians are great people and make the world a better place.


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