Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Kill your television!

I will take a second to rant about something non political and that is this… Television sucks. I don’t mean the good old fashioned Cosby Show and Family Ties programming. Heck, even the current line up has some redeemable programs. I like “The Amazing Race” and gather around every week with friends to watch it. “The Daily Show” and “Chappelle’s Show” are great too. The problem is this mindless box tends to suck a disproportionate amount of my time directly into the toilet. I think it is to blame for our nation’s non existent attention span, the inability for most people to tolerate silence and the need for them to fill silence with music or chatter or worse yet, television for background noise. Kids don’t read anymore and they get fat sitting in front of the TV watching commercials selling them junk food and junk toys. My generation was attacked by the same advertising too. The only difference is my parents actually said “no” from time to time and even better than that, they didn’t let the idiot box raise me. Sometimes we even read together and even more shocking; my parents talked to me about important stuff like life philosophies and how to question what is “normal.” So I’m going back to my roots and throwing out the baby with the bath water. I’ll still get the weekly dose of TV when I meet with friends for “The Amazing Race”, but I’m officially announcing my split with television. The last few days I’ve made a tentative break and my mind is more alive than it has been in years. The last couple of years, I have watched more TV then I probably did the first 25 years of my life. During that time, I’ve become depressed, incredibly boring and worst of all, a consumer on par with the average populist. It is a great escape, but so too are rugs and alcohol and I’ve gone out of my way to avoid an addiction to both. Sin seems to be relative to the culture under which it is practiced.


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