Thursday, May 13, 2004

I tell you people, there is poetry in everything. I wish I had penned the line “Spermatophores were seen hanging from J-1's siphon.” That’s just freaking romantic. Read the whole smutty thing here.

My cell phone died for the second time with this model in two years. Please consider yourself warned. It has a nasty habit of the speaker deciding unannounced to stop working. How do I know? Because I tried to use it at lunch when I went out to the parking lot to find what was left of my front tire. It almost looks like someone slashed it because
it is torn to pieces. Thank God I was not on I95. So I called AAA and I was on hold for 30 minutes. I knew time was of the essence because I had to get the tire done so I can go home tonight. So finally I changed
the thing myself. Good times in work clothes in the Florida sun. The best part was the stupid spare was flat too! Luckily one of my coworkers has one of those pumps that hooks to the lighter. So I got that inflated and went to Tire Kingdom. I don’t know who rules the Tire Kingdom monarchy, but you can bet he’ll be buying mead and turkey legs tonight with 200 of my Washingtons.


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