Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I’m at an absolutely nutty point right now. I’ve fallen so far behind on work, school and whatever else one can fall behind on. Between Grandma passing and going to Ohio last week it has been a crazy month.

I had a great time in the frosty north. Yes, it was pretty cold. When I left Cleveland it was about 42 degrees. Did I mention it rained the entire time I was there? I did meet some great people though. Honestly, my friend Brian is such an awesome guy. His friends came from all corners of the world to see him get married. It was a great wedding and his brother gave the most touching toast I’ve heard in a long time. Sometimes I get jealous when I see people who have this great relationship with their siblings. Yet, I’m starting to suspect it is the exception and not the “norm” to really be close with your brother or sister.

So here’s the deal. I am doing great in grad school (despite finally loosing my 4.0). I could be done with a degree in Information Systems in March. The problem is I don’t feel my heart is in this. It is not what I’m called to do. Weird how you can deny this for only so long. I really want to be a counselor of some type specifically I’d like to work with children.

So this career track is thankless, pays crap and could even put me in the way of physical harm. Not to mention it will be emotionally and physically draining. For some reason I’m really drawn to it. My family has always joked that I am a minister without a church. So maybe I could do this type of work as my ministry in life. I don’t side with the evangelicals on anything and I’m certainly not committing to a priest’s lifestyle, although I live it now without being on the Vatican payroll. So maybe, just maybe, this is it. I’ll have to think about it for a while.


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