Thursday, April 15, 2004

I had that dream again. You know the one were you live in your office. I swear, I had quite the little cot set up in there and I lived there. After hours, I called Papa Johns and ate pizza and watched “Chapelle's Show” right their at my desk. It was glorious. Then Janet Reno came in and started telling me she was going to “butter my bread.” No joke!

I suppose the dream had some roots in reality. Last week I had the entire thing to myself. No work. I even avoided homework as best I could as someone who is getting a master in computer stuff. I like that term. Computer stuff seems so fitting, because that is what it is and 99.999% of people really don’t care or could only feign interest in what I study. Hell I pretend to be interested half the time.

So anyway, Reno walks in to “butter my bread.” I don’t know what that quote is from, but I’ve heard it thrown around. My guess is the reason I have Janet Reno on the brain is whilst in Miami I slept next door to her. My friend’s dad is Janet Reno’s neighbor and we spent the night on his floor. So I was well within her sphere of influence. For all I know I’m on a watch list now. As far as being stuck at work, I already feel that way. Stuck. Despite all my rage, I’m still just a rat. Work is my cage. Right Billy?


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