Wednesday, May 12, 2004

What is it with everything coming out on DVD now? It seems like shows we were content to have buried in pop culture history are now resurfacing in DVD format. I wonder why this never really happened with VHS. I guess the idea is that DVDs last a lot longer and maintain their quality. You have to wonder who is really going to watch “Sanford and Son” Season 1 so many times it would wear out?

“Elizabeth, I’m coming to meet you!”

While I’m on the subject, I’ll address something else that is completely unrelated and ask where was Rush Limbaugh during Vietnam? The other day he was criticizing Senator John McCain for getting upset about the lovely photos we all got from Iraq. El Rushbo said something along the lines of “getting photographed naked would be McCain’s finest day at Hanoi.” How would Rushy know? He was sitting at home with an anal cyst.

You might ask yourself why I’m not serving my country. Well I had open-heart surgery as a child. I cannot serve my country. If I could, I would. On the other hand, this “war” is about the last thing any American service man or woman should give their lives for. By the time this whole fiasco is done in Iraq our country will be so far in debt the men and women coming back from duty will be hard pressed to find a job, let alone afford gas.

Why then is the world so ignorant to what is going on here? Shrub has managed to pillage our surplus and drive gas to an all time high, jobs to an all time low and personal bankruptcies among Americans to a record surge. I just hope you all have enough common sense not to elect this guy. I didn’t say reelect because I still don’t believe he won the first time. I guess I am a bleed heart liberal. If that means believing in things like duty to country, war with purpose or taking credit for your own mistakes then yes I am a total and complete lib!

I wish the republicans would put a man of integrity on their ballot. John McCain was just such a man. I don’t recall him ever being questioned in his duty to the country nor does he seem to be suckling from the teat of big business. We now live in a nation completely governed by businesses that have more rights than you or I. Guess what, those same forces got W in office once and I’m afraid they’re getting ready for a repeat. I would say get out and vote, but if you’re a Floridian like me, rest assured the electronic ballot will make us all “Bush men.”

By the way, don’t sweat the gas prices. I have a hunch they’ll go down right before Election Day.


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