Thursday, December 21, 2006

I wish I had something profound to write to wrap up 2006. Truth be told it was another year and it was a fast one. Since time is relative maybe the year went by slowly for you. I guess we each experience the world from our unique perspective.

If I had the power I’d bring the world a little more peace in 2007. Ask a child why he wakes up to the sound of bombs every morning and you’re bound to get an insightful answer. So I have to say as the year comes to a close I am thankful for all that have. Life is a precious gift and we seem to get so caught up in day-to-day survival that we forget to be thankful that we don’t have terminal cancer or that we have someone to love us.

The world is full of suffering, death and loneliness and every minute you live without being under the thumb of one of these struggles is a minute to be thankful for. For whatever trials I face in 2007 I am vowing now to be thankful for what I have and not pay attention to the trivial things I do not. I think we’d all be better served to adopt this attitude for a while.

You never know what tomorrow brings and it could be something that makes all the trivial crap just that…trivial.


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