Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how life is truly what you make of it.

I’ll skip the Zig Ziegler feel good BS. I did once hear a nugget of wisdom from that camp. Basically you have no control over what happens in life, but you do have control over how you react to it.

I tend to stress about things pre-emptivively. Lord knows if is hard to stay upbeat when you have an I-Pod full of sad bastard music and always dwell on the negative. So I’ve decided to not do that anymore. It sounds deceptively simple, but it has required a lot of work since I set off on this quest. I wish it was as simple as flipping a switch, but it isn’t.

So maybe that is my New Year’s resolution. I will make an effort to spin things positively and not make myself a miserable wreck. Growing up I would have seen this as a cop out, or denial, or worse yet avoidance. I did the therapy route and it helped, mainly because I had a professional dissecting and breaking down my negative thought patterns. I suspect it is an ongoing project though and I’ll spend the rest of my life having these negative things pop into my head. Ultimately it is up to me to hold them up in the light and see that 99% of the time they have no merit.

So I am vowing now to stop stressing and worrying and most importantly letting things get me upset or down. It’s hard for someone who owns way too many Morrissey albums to ever qualify as well adjusted. I’ve always sort of laughed at those people who always seem happy. Don’t they see the forest for the trees? Truth is it was I who was letting stupid little trivial things I have no control over dictate my own comfort level with this thing we call adulthood.

Adulthood is hard work and it is scary and more often than not it is a thankless job, but it is one we’re all saddled with. So we should make the most of it. I’m no longer going to give merit to the things that make me sad or anxious. Maybe it is denial, but it damn sure beats the other option.


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