Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Trouble ahead, trouble behind and you know that notion just crossed my mind.

So this weekend amidst the devastating footage along the Gulf, we got some reminders about the 9-11 anniversary. I think we definitely do NOT need to forget this tragedy. Cursed is the world were JC Penneys has sales commemorating 9-11. Let’s be honest though, in our lifetime we’ll see it. Heck, they have already declared the day “Patriot’s Day.” That, I would guess is the first step to separating the tragedy from the date. Eventually it will just be another day to close the banks and have a linen sale.

What I don’t want to see is that footage from 9-11. I still sob like a toddler who just has his pacifier taken away. It is truly some of the most emotional footage ever captured on film. We’ve all seen it and we all remember. For my generation, it will remain the “where were you when” story for our lives. Of course, I think it is too soon. It is too soon to look back at the footage and relive that day. Emotionally, I’m still very connected to it. For me personally, 9-11 set off a chain of events that I still feel the effects of today. While I didn’t loose a close relative in the events of 9-11, it did throw my life into a tail spin. I’d imagine I’m not alone on this. So all weekend, I avoided television and stuck to things like “Family Guy” that I was 99% certain wouldn’t mention 9-11. As Stewie always says when he makes a wildly inappropriate joke…”too soon?” For 9-11 retrospectives, yes, yes it is.


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