Thursday, September 08, 2005

I saw “The Constant Gardner” this weekend. I don’t know that it was outright a heartbreaking film in and of itself. Maybe the similar images we’ve been seeing of destruction here in our own country helped me make a connection to the plight of Africa. Something about the film made we really connect with it. I was in a state of shock after seeing the film.

Now as far as I know, it isn’t a true story. The film itself is about pharmaceutical companies testing drugs secretly on African villagers. Here in the US, we are now to the point where we are working to stop testing on animals, much less secretive testing on people. If the plot is a true story ripped right from the headlines or something the author made up from scratch, it was hardly the point of the movie. The point itself was not even stated, but it did lie subtly there peeking from behind the fantastic cinematography and top notch acting. In a nutshell, Africa is the place we have forgotten.

It seems no matter what takes place around the world, when it comes to really getting our hands dirty and helping the needy, Africa gets left way down on the “to do” list. Much of what makes Africa such a mess is the lack of education. Granted, the people who live there have more pressing issues to deal with like not getting killed by bandits or eating once every couple of days. The sad fact is much of the basic knowledge we take for granted is not even taught in Africa. In some cases, people believe in myths that seem so vile and absolutely ridiculous that it is impossible to understand why anyone would believe them . It is misinformation like this that has spread AIDS far and wide in Africa.

Why then does nobody care about Africa? Maybe if they had more oil we’d be over there trying to help. An entire continent is being allowed to wipe itself out. I have no doubt in my mind if Jesus were teaching on Earth today, he’d look around and declare Africa the place that most needs his help. Then, he would go there. Some people are taking action. Bono has spent years spreading the word. While he isn’t an in your face Christian, he does do God’s work with little real fanfare. It makes you wonder how someone who considers the “Christian Right” his minions can sleep at night knowing that he could do so much to help so many. Instead, he probably gets a private laugh with Dick every now and then about all those n_s killing themselves off in Africa.

yes,I’m a hypocrite. There are so many things any of us could do. It is just easy to put a place like Africa in the far back cobwebbed corner of our mind and pretend it doesn’t exist. After really getting a feel for what life over there must be like, I can vow this much; I would never go there as a tourist. Just like I learned you can not got to the Humane Society unless you plan on adopting, you shouldn't go to Africa unless you can offer something in return. To truly see that first hand would change a person. If I was still single, I would be seriously considering some type of work in Africa. If there is a place in the world where one person could actually make a difference, then that is it.


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