Tuesday, September 27, 2005

It is funny how you change before you even really know it. I realized this weekend that the last few years have changed me in a lot of ways. Two very tangible examples are my view on religion/church and my love for the ocean. The second is clearly the lighter of the two to discuss and I’ll break that one down first. I have a nasty scar on my shoulder now. Ultimately, it turned out to be just a mole that the dermatologist removed, but during the 2 weeks I waited for the biopsy, I was a nervous wreck. There is plenty of cancer in my family and the last thing I would want to do is encourage any kind of cancer to grow. I spent my youth at the beach and more often than not I didn’t use sunscreen. After having a cancer scare like that, I loved sunbathing a lot less.

Then there is the current rash of hurricanes. The last two years have been record breaking. I once envied people who could live at the beach. Now I want to be as far inland as possible, which in Florida isn’t much. I know every place has its natural disasters and yes, you can predict a hurricane, but trust me knowing something like that is coming brings the anxiety factor up nice and high. Volcanoes and tornados just pop up on you. You don’t spend a week watching every channel on TV tracking where a volcano or a tornado might hit.

As for church, well we’ve been parting ways slowly over the years. This weekend I had to really come face to face with how hypocritical religious people can be and I found some great examples in my own family. I was planning to go visit relatives out of town and they informed me that my accommodations would be separating my girlfriend and I. OK, not a big deal, except at first they wanted us in different houses. Come on people, like we have been waiting to visit you so we can finally give that sex thing a try. The final boarding offer was to put us in the same house, but with different rooms. This is a 4 bedroom house that 5 people already live in. My grandfather’s house is currently up for sale and only my dad is staying there. It had no less than two completely available bedrooms. Of course, the only person staying there is my father and he could give two craps about my girlfriend and I sharing a bed. I think that was the issue, they knew my dad wouldn’t police us.

The real person that was being protected was my grandfather. God forbid his unwed grandson and his girlfriend stay in the same house without a chaperone. I love these people, but this is something I do not understand. To me it says they think my lifestyle is wrong. I can not really understand it since my parents are both pretty open minded and didn’t raise me in this type of environment. If for no other reason, the whole thing is ridiculous. Not only am I almost 30 (do they really think I am a virgin?) but my uncle was born only a few months after my grandparents got married. It doesn’t take an actuary to run the math on that. Of course, that was before they found Jesus. These were people that I once admired for their loving Christian ways, but the way they freaked out over me even being in the same house with my girlfriend made me stop and question where their hearts really are. I once read somewhere “judge not lest yee be judged” but I can not recall which book it came from. Surely not the one they’re reading.


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