Thursday, September 22, 2005

Things to do in Palm Coast when you’re dead.

Yeah, I’ve been AWOL. I wrangled myself a pretty nice sinus infection. Today, I was feeling a little better thanks to a doctor visit. I try and avoid antibiotics, but it seems about once a year I get something that will not go away on its own. So I mustered up the energy to go to the doctors. I’m already feeling a good bit better thanks to the prescription decongestant he gave me. It seems like the good drugs take forever to go over the counter. Probably because the drug companies make a lot more on the prescribed kind. I’m sure today’s bounty was a couple hundred dollars. Thanks to insurance I paid $45. Still too much money I think. When I was leaving the docs, some guy in a snappy suit came in smiling from ear to ear. Ah, the drug rep. Seeing all those sick people must warm his heart. The good news is I overhead two doctors talking about how they’d like to see all drugs have a cap on them. One suggested no prescription should be over $5. I’m glad to see at least some doctors don’t live in a bubble.

The good side of being sick is I had to eat at home the last couple of days. I saw this as a good time for fast food detox. I feel crappy anyways so why not work on breaking the habit. Yesterday, I ate mostly Frosted Mini Wheat and I lived to tell. For future reference, they don’t compliment a sore throat. The second plus to being home and off the greasy foods was I had the chance to sit down with “Supersize Me.” What a great movie. I watched it again, but what really got to me were the extras. I had not seen them before. One was an interview with the author of “Fast Food Nation” and it was great to see him and Morgan Spurlock side-by-side since I’m sure plenty of people have picked up on the similarities in their message. In truth, it is a message that rings true, no matter how you chose to deliver it. Fast food is the devil. If for no other reason, you should watch the section where Spurlock puts a large order of fries in a jar and leaves them on his desk. They hold up far longer than anything we eat should. Apparently, these things never break down.


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