Thursday, September 15, 2005

Huddled over the 12 desktop machines in the computer lab, I remember this was the FIRST website I ever saw. I never gave the thing props on here, but once I saw and read this webpage, I knew the internet and I would become friends. The funny thing is I remember the long line of people waiting, and sometimes reading over each others shoulder, to use the few internet ready machines we had at my liberal arts college. This was 1997. It took that long for us to get online. My freshman year, I went to a more technologically advanced school that gave us email accounts, but they were UNIX accounts delivered on old monochrome computers. Oh yeah and the lab was pretty much inhabited by the crème of the nerd crop. They were exactly the kind of people you would expect to find dwelling internet labs long before the frat boys discovered the cornucopia of porn out there and the sorority girls discovered they could shop at a dozen boutiques all at once. The funny thing is from a technological standpoint, comparing those days to now is like comparing a steam engine to a hydrogen fuel cell. The best part is that was hardly a decade ago.


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