Friday, June 17, 2005

In the universe of bright ideas, this star is dimming. Somewhere along the way I decided to give up caffeine. That somewhere was yesterday when I awoke from a horrible nights sleep. Lots of nightmares and tossing and turning and about 5 hours of restless rest. So I woke up and declared caffeine my enemy. I took inventory of the day. I drank two cups of coffee the morning before. Had a Diet Coke with lunch and two glasses of ice tea with dinner. It was a pretty average caffeinated day. Yet it screwed with my sleep. Maybe the fact I had the two teas at a late dinner at Carrabas finished me off. Maybe that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Whatever the impetus was, I knew I slept poorly from drinking too much caffeine. So I have sworn the stuff off.

Anyone want to take bets how long this will last? Right now my typing is shaky and I have to keep going back to correct it. My mind isn’t as focused and of course my good solid nervous twitch is missing. That will probably translate to fewer calories burned. As I write this, I wonder what’s so funny about coffee, tea and understanding? My brain is like goo today.


Blogger spaceface01 said...

You are a brave man, Jon, a brave man indeed.

11:36 AM  

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