White smoke at the Vatican!
So here is what I wrote back in February. No word yet on who they elected...
First off, the pope is a good man and I have absolutely no ill will towards him. My last entry came off like I pissed off lapsed Catholic to some degree and yes, to some degree I am. Just trust me when I tell you that situation was a long time coming. I once heavily considered holy orders myself. Aside from that, my own Grandfather is a minister who has spent the better part of his life deep in end time prophecy. So I’m educated on the subject of what is expected to happen next.
One great resource on the subject is Malachy. He was an archbishop in the Catholic Church and one who wrote extensively on the succession of the Popes. Starting towards the end of the 12th century right up to present day Archbishop Malachy was able to accurately name the Popes by either their coat of arms or some other key feature. This wouldn’t be very impressive if it wasn’t for the fact he died years before the first of his papal list came to power.
Malachy foresaw two popes following the current one. Nostradamus has many translations on his prophecy regarding the last Pope, but one of the most frightening is this one.
“He that will have the responsibility to break down temples and sects altered through fantasy, will come to harm more the rocks than the living, through ornate language ears will continually be filled.”
So who, you might ask, would be able to break down the boundaries between God’s two chosen people? Even more frightening is the fact that he goes on to name exactly where this Pope would hail from.
Not from Spain
but from Ancient France
one will be elected for the trembling ship,
to the enemy will make a promise, who in his reign will cause a terrible plague.
As with anything, I am making a somewhat educated shot in the dark here, BUT if Jean-Marie Lustiger is the next Pope we are in a lot of trouble.
He certainly looks innocent enough

It makes a certain amount of sense that if someone was going to bring the church down and establish a one world religion, this man has the background. He looks incredibly innocent. He was born Jewish and his mom was killed in a concentration camp. I want to like this guy. I would guess people would immediately embrace him, including those who are not religious and those who are Jewish (see where the borders break down yet?).
He was born in France, of Polish heritage. He has ties to both sides of Europe. He was educated at the world renowned Sorbonne. His strong support for the State of Israel, which is at odds with the Vatican's officially neutral but in practice anti-Israeli position, has also won him some support from Jews. He just stepped down from his archbishop post Febryuary 11th.
I’m not saying he is a bad man. I do not know him. He does, however, fit perfectly the descriptions of the two prophets who are always open to intpretation (Malachy and Nostradamus). Yet the generally translated teachings of both show a strong consistancy in what they predict. So he seems to fit the bill.
So here is what I wrote back in February. No word yet on who they elected...
First off, the pope is a good man and I have absolutely no ill will towards him. My last entry came off like I pissed off lapsed Catholic to some degree and yes, to some degree I am. Just trust me when I tell you that situation was a long time coming. I once heavily considered holy orders myself. Aside from that, my own Grandfather is a minister who has spent the better part of his life deep in end time prophecy. So I’m educated on the subject of what is expected to happen next.
One great resource on the subject is Malachy. He was an archbishop in the Catholic Church and one who wrote extensively on the succession of the Popes. Starting towards the end of the 12th century right up to present day Archbishop Malachy was able to accurately name the Popes by either their coat of arms or some other key feature. This wouldn’t be very impressive if it wasn’t for the fact he died years before the first of his papal list came to power.
Malachy foresaw two popes following the current one. Nostradamus has many translations on his prophecy regarding the last Pope, but one of the most frightening is this one.
“He that will have the responsibility to break down temples and sects altered through fantasy, will come to harm more the rocks than the living, through ornate language ears will continually be filled.”
So who, you might ask, would be able to break down the boundaries between God’s two chosen people? Even more frightening is the fact that he goes on to name exactly where this Pope would hail from.
Not from Spain
but from Ancient France
one will be elected for the trembling ship,
to the enemy will make a promise, who in his reign will cause a terrible plague.
As with anything, I am making a somewhat educated shot in the dark here, BUT if Jean-Marie Lustiger is the next Pope we are in a lot of trouble.
He certainly looks innocent enough

It makes a certain amount of sense that if someone was going to bring the church down and establish a one world religion, this man has the background. He looks incredibly innocent. He was born Jewish and his mom was killed in a concentration camp. I want to like this guy. I would guess people would immediately embrace him, including those who are not religious and those who are Jewish (see where the borders break down yet?).
He was born in France, of Polish heritage. He has ties to both sides of Europe. He was educated at the world renowned Sorbonne. His strong support for the State of Israel, which is at odds with the Vatican's officially neutral but in practice anti-Israeli position, has also won him some support from Jews. He just stepped down from his archbishop post Febryuary 11th.
I’m not saying he is a bad man. I do not know him. He does, however, fit perfectly the descriptions of the two prophets who are always open to intpretation (Malachy and Nostradamus). Yet the generally translated teachings of both show a strong consistancy in what they predict. So he seems to fit the bill.
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